Zinio reader sound
Zinio reader sound

zinio reader sound

A new owner, new leadership and… things started to change. That, mixed with the state of technology a few years back meant that Zinio pushed as far as it could at the time. Part of the problem was that they were initially focused on “replication technology”- that is- digitizing the content– but not doing much more than that. No, the company wasn’t dying, after all they were the benchmark for eMags, but at the same time they were doing anything truly innovative. Somewhere along the way it stalled a bit and seemed to spend a few years languishing. It was a great idea and started with a good bit of enthusiasm and publicity. Zinio began a decade ago as a VC-funded vision to bring magazines online.

zinio reader sound

Yes, times have changed and after speaking with two of the company’s top people last week it is pretty clear to me that the day when eMags might finally becomes widely adopted has finally arrived- or at least is about to do so. Zinio has proven that it is able to think far enough out of the box to create a reading experience on the iPhone and iPod touch that keeps the graphic power of magazines while also making it possible to easily read content on the small screen. Devices are lighter, have better battery life and far sharper screens than ever before. Technology has moved rapidly forward on many fronts.


It was clear even then that Zinio’s vision for moving full color magazines to the digital realm was something whose time would eventually come, and that when it did eMags would morph into something more than electronic replicas of their dead tree equivalents.The technology to make it happen, however, wasn’t quite there. And I often got notice of my Zino downloads a day or two before the paper equivalent arrived at my home. The links in ads and some articles jumped you right to the product’s page. The magazines looked good on the relatively high resolution screens. I found that despite the Tablet PC’s relatively significant weight, short battery life and tendency to get hot, somethings VERY hot, the experience of using Zinio to read was a pleasant one. The company has been in existence for 10 years, so I was a fairly early user. I discovered Zinio’s electronic magazines when I first started using Tablet PCs In the mid-00s.

Zinio reader sound